Tuesday, October 29, 2019



Twenty-first-century learning is simply an effort to define modern learning by using modern tools. Actually, the contexts are not so different from the past but the way we teach, the things we use is different. For example, we teach chemistry as how it is in the past (of course with some changes ) but we use smartboards, not blackboards. Virtual tools like smartboards, projectors, computers create borderless learning territories for students of all ages, anytime and anywhere. So I can say that keyword for the 21st century learning is technology for me. It allows for 24/7 access to information, constant social interaction, and easily created and shared digital content.

Beside this , twenty-first-century learning means that students produce, think critically and they evaluate informations that given. Students are active while the teacher is passive in the lessons.
Basically , 21st Century skills are Critical thinking,Creativity,Collaboration,Communication, Information literacy,Media literacy,Technology literacy,Flexibility,Leadership,Initiative,Productivity, Social skills. Without these skills, students are left to memorize facts, recall details for worksheets.

PS : I used these words and created Word cloud. Here is my word cloud :

Thanks for reading :)



It's Zeynep :) This is my first blog post. I wanted to say welcome to everybody who visit my website. This is the platform where I am going to share my adverntures, memories, pictures and  some educational things. Hope you enjoy it !

Thanks for reading :)