Thursday, June 11, 2020



Unfortunately this is my last post for this semester ! This was a strange year for all of us. We stayed at home because of corona but we kept producing and learning thanks to Material design course and our teacher. With corona , I realized how much technology important for teachers. We kept doing our classes online and it showed that teachers don't know how to use technology properly and integrate it to the class. This course was the best one that I took ! I learnt a lot of new things. I feel like I improved a lot. When I look back to my posts, I see various projects that I created with my friends. I feel very proud of what I've done. Instructions were always clear and guided us. Sometimes tasks were really challanging but If we need any help , we were always welcome to ask to our teacher or our friends. Everyone shared what they know so we were always keep in touch. Wish we could take more comments from our friends to our posts. I would be really happy to read feedbacks from readers.

Shortly , It was a great class with full of enjoy, diffucult but helpful tasks !  I just want to say goodbye to my followers. Thanks for reading and looking to my projects ! Stay safe xx




Our last task of the term is creating a technology-enhanced project. Most of the time coursebooks give classic , old fashion tasks which doesn't require use of technology. As a 21st century teachers , we should integrate our classes with technology.

In an example coursebook which our teacher shared, there were several projects for students. With my mate Aslı , we choose the one with writing a biography about celebrities. This project was very away from using of technology so we decided to redesign it. The students will choose one of their favourite celebrities, collect information about him/her and create a podcast. They will share the project on drive so that they can keep it in there for a long term and everyone can reach easily.

My mate's blog : Blog - Aslı Bostan

Here is our project :
Thanks for reading :)