Friday, December 27, 2019



Today you will read a post about Web 2.0 tools and Infographic. I want to start with explaining what is web 2.0 tools. These tools are internet tools that the user is expected to interact and create content with others. Social media sites such as Facebook ,Twitter and Wikipedia are examples of Web 2.0 tools. Now I will share my 3 favourite tools with you.

My first tool is "Canva " (
My second tool is "Thinglink " (
And my last tool is "Pixton" (

You can see more details about these tools on my infographic below ! I used my first favourite tool Canva for create my infographic :)

(Here is a link for you if you want to go and check on canva )

So I hope that you like these tools and can use them easily !
Thanks for reading ! :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2019



Today you will see a post about movie poster. Our task for this week was creating a movie poster based on the book we read. We imagined our book was being made into a movie and we were responsible for its advertising.

I used "spark adobe " to create my movie poster. Adobe Spark is an online and mobile design app. 
Easily create stunning social graphichs, short videos, web pages, posters etc.It is Easy to learn and use. Find a large selection of backgrounds to choose from, templates. Have the chance to find various layouts and designs. Add texts with different fonts and colors. Save your product and keep it in your sp's library (You can find it in the left side of your page as a "Projects" section.)

Firstly , I started my project by choosing background pictures which are related to my book's content. Then I added author name as a director and my name as a producer. I wrote some quotes from the book and choose some actors/actress as if they act on my movie :)

Here is a link for my tool , Adobe Spark :

And you can find my creation below :

Thanks for reading ! :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2019



Today you will read a post about DIGITAL STORYTELLING PROJECTS. First I want to start with "What is digital storytelling ? " So basically Digital storytelling describes a simple, creative process through which people with little or no experience in computer film-making gain skills needed to tell a person story as two-minute film using predominantly still images and vioceover.
I worked with one of my friend (Elif Bostan ). First we choose our topic and did some research about that topic. We wrote a script. We found some videos and pictures which can help us to convey our message to the audiences. We made a production , film it and then edited it.

Our topic was animal cruelty in the world (especially in Turkey) This topic is one of the major problems and the one who always make me sad about it :( I hope we can bring your attention and can reach a lot people !

And also you can find Elif's blog by clicking here :

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2019



Today you will be seeing my first work on padlet. Padlet is an application to create an online bulletin board that you can use to display information for any topic.

In this tas, we started with creating our own groups. In my group, I worked with three of my friends and we chose "Animal Violence/Cruelty" as our topic which I am really sorry and nervous about it. We created our wall by clicking "Add a new wall ". After we decided background and title etc. we started to work individually. I wrote 2 line for "What I Know " column. I wrote 3 question for "What I Want To Know " column and I searched about these topics : What is animal cruelty/violence ? , What you can do about this issue ? , Why do people treat animals cruelly ?

I think this was the best project that I created. I liked Padlet a lot. It is very useful,beneficial website and easy to learn how to use it. You can use different outlooks, you can add videos,pictures or links.

PS : I worked with Elif Boran,Elif Bostan,Şeyma Nur Altan. Thanks for their contribution !

Here is our Padlet work :

Thanks for reading (:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019



This is my first film review. It was a task for my educational technologies lesson.Our teacher created a wiki page where we can add our film reviews. Me and my friend Gizem , collaboratively wrote our ideas about the movie which is called "Hachiko : A Dog's Tale ". The movie is about a heartbreaking relationship between a dog and his owner. It's so emotional. Also it affected me a lot because it's a real story.  I highly recommend it. It is one of my favourite  movies.

Here is the link for you :'s%20Story

Also you can check my pair's blog,Gizem Can :

Thanks for reading :)

Monday, November 18, 2019



This is my podcast post !
It is a really creative way for learning new ideas. I love listening podcast but for the first time in my life I prepared one :) It was challenging because I don't know how to use it or create it. But it was great/ enjoyable at the same time. I absolutely want to use podcasting in my future classes. It is useful for long time travellers like me in public transportations ! :) We can listen and learn while on the way. I highly recommend this to all

Here is my podcast :

Thanks for reading and listening :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019



It's Zeynep again :)Today I am going to share a post about "RSS"

RSS is a simple method that can help you to follow your favorite newcasts,blogs,websites and social media channels. Instead of visiting sites to find new posts or subscribing to sites to receive notification of new posts, you can find the RSS feed on a website and read new posts in an RSS reader.

There are a lot you can do wirh RSS. For instance :
-Follow discussions on web pages and in forums without visiting each page to read the list of posted comments.
-You can make your favorite blogger's tasty food and share recipes with your friends.
-Stay current with local,national and international news from several sources.

I use RSS FEED READER ONLINE. I really like this thing because rather than visiting every website/blogs, I can see the news on one page. It makes things really easy. Another good thing about RSS is you can discover new blogs. Depending on what type of content you are following, there is an option for you. You can click the science/gaming/news etc and there are lots of links that you can interest and follow.

I also like this because there are lots of different ways to get notifications( certain apps, mobile phone or e-mail notifications) With this feature, I can get informed very quickly.

Here is my RSS FEED READER :

For now, I am only following 10 websites. There are sites about science,new channels,travel etc. My favourite is National Geographic News. I follow NGN on other platforms but it is the best way for me to see the news in an order and in an quick way on RSS. I can learn so much thing on NGN (about the World,new comings etc) I think teachers should follow NGN because they can learn about animals,self improvement or any other topic. Also they can improve their English.

Thanks for reading J

Tuesday, October 29, 2019



Twenty-first-century learning is simply an effort to define modern learning by using modern tools. Actually, the contexts are not so different from the past but the way we teach, the things we use is different. For example, we teach chemistry as how it is in the past (of course with some changes ) but we use smartboards, not blackboards. Virtual tools like smartboards, projectors, computers create borderless learning territories for students of all ages, anytime and anywhere. So I can say that keyword for the 21st century learning is technology for me. It allows for 24/7 access to information, constant social interaction, and easily created and shared digital content.

Beside this , twenty-first-century learning means that students produce, think critically and they evaluate informations that given. Students are active while the teacher is passive in the lessons.
Basically , 21st Century skills are Critical thinking,Creativity,Collaboration,Communication, Information literacy,Media literacy,Technology literacy,Flexibility,Leadership,Initiative,Productivity, Social skills. Without these skills, students are left to memorize facts, recall details for worksheets.

PS : I used these words and created Word cloud. Here is my word cloud :

Thanks for reading :)



It's Zeynep :) This is my first blog post. I wanted to say welcome to everybody who visit my website. This is the platform where I am going to share my adverntures, memories, pictures and  some educational things. Hope you enjoy it !

Thanks for reading :)